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dc.contributor.authorOrtega Gómez, Ana María-
dc.contributor.authorEcheverry Espinosa, Eloina del Carmen-
dc.contributor.authorCaicedo Villamizar, Alexander Enrique-
dc.contributor.authorReales Vega, Rosario Joaquín-
dc.contributor.authorCertain Ruiz, Roberto-
dc.contributor.authorCardona Gaviria, Carlos Ricardo-
dc.contributor.authorAgualimpia Romero, Helmer David-
dc.contributor.authorPacheco López, Katherine-
dc.descriptionEl interés de esta investigación gira alrededor del sector turismo, en Colombia y su afectación con ocasión del Covid 19, que indudablemente trajo como consecuencia que el gobierno, a través de sus diversas entidades territoriales y otros organismos tanto públicos como privados tomaran medidas para minimizar su impacto en la economía, ya que inicialmente se protegiò la salud, y en segundo plano se protegiò a la Economìa, lo que a la postre precipitò la actual Recesiòn del país segùn Fedesarrollo.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe presence of a coronavirus called Covid 19, and which undoubtedly reaches Colombia, unleashes a package of measures to prevent the spread of the pandemic and among all those regulations there are those that affect Tourism, which is not only a sector, but also behind In this sector, there are many people, families, companies that were affected. "Tourism has been one of the sectors most affected by Covid-19, since borders have been closed in all countries to prevent its spread, in addition, according to recent estimates by the World Travel and Tourism Council, some 2,700 million of dollars would be lost due to the impact of the pandemic, and regarding the evolution of travel restrictions in the coming months, "the arrival of international tourists could fall between 60 and 80% in 2020" indicated the World Tourism Organization " Hygiene measures are taken to minimize the economic and social impacts caused by the pandemic; These measures have greatly affected the sector, causing the sector to begin to feel the impact of its unprepared state. many tourist attractions in the country have been closed. Temporary operations, closure of airports, terminals and borders, reducing the flow of people, resulting in a lower demand for the occupancy rate of the country's hotel network, which leads to any company that has a direct or indirect relationship with the industry tourism, generates high unemployment and increased poverty in the sector. In such circumstances, the tourism industry has become one of the worst affected areas. The measures implemented responded to the call for protection and prevention on a global scale. This has a negative impact on both the relationship between supply and demand in this sector, directly and negatively affecting the national economy.en_US
dc.publisherCorporación Universitaria Rafael Núñez, Barranquillaen_US
dc.subjectSector turismoen_US
dc.subjectCovid 19en_US
dc.subjectTourism sectoren_US
dc.titleMedidas que se han tomado para recuperar el sector turismo en Colombia a partir de la afectación del Covid - 19en_US
dc.title.alternativeDocumento consolidado PAT Colectivo (FT-IV-015) IV semestre 2020 2Pen_US
Appears in Collections:Derecho - Barranquilla

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