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Title: Implementación de las notificaciones judiciales en materia civil de conformidad al Decreto 806 del 2020
Other Titles: Documento consolidado PAT Colectivo (FT-IV-015) X semestre 2020 2P
Authors: Berrocal Durán, Juan Carlos
Ortega Gómez, Ana María
Echeverry Espinosa, Eloina del Carmen
Caicedo Villamizar, Alexander Enrique
Neira Molina, Harold
Castillo Bolaños, Jennifer
Keywords: Acceso a la justicia
Implementacion TIC
Covid 19
Decreto 806 del 2020
Access to justice
TIC Implementation
Issue Date: 30-Nov-2020
Publisher: Corporación Universitaria Rafael Núñez, Barranquilla
Abstract: Every day the fear and anxiety of how the Sars Cov2 Covid 19 virus began to attack our lives, paralyzing jobs, schools, universities, public entities, the economy, tourism, closing borders, etc. They forced us to lock ourselves up to safeguard our lives. What was deteriorating the economy day by day, unemployment increased exorbitantly and justice was no exception to this crisis. Perhaps the world is used to living without electricity, without water, without gas; Maybe the stores may close. But we cannot live without justice and the pandemic also attacked it, leaving it paralyzed, without tools to continue functioning, and making access to justice materially impossible. When we talk about access to justice in the framework of the pandemic, it should undoubtedly be seen as an essential public service that, consequently, cannot be stopped, however, COVID - 19 led the Judicial Branch of Colombia to stop ... . to look further and be able to stop as this area is like health, unstoppable and must continue its course in an effective way. It is understood that it is not easy for the litigation sector to adapt to this new sphere, which as the days go by will be the best solution for everyone, before, during and after this pandemic that arrived without giving notice. Undoubtedly, the Government with the issuance of Decree 806 of 2020, gave a boost to the Digital era in Justice, seeking with it the reactivation of access to justice by virtual means of the processes in the midst of the pandemic that we are living through. cause of COVID-19. The purpose of this Decree is to guarantee that all the procedures carried out virtually comply with due process.
Description: Cuando hablamos del acceso a la justicia en el marco de la pandemia, podemos resaltar lo que es el COVID -19 y como llegó a nuestras vidas. La COVID-19 es la enfermedad infecciosa causada por el coronavirus, el cual afectó a todo el mundo generando una gran cantidad de muertes y dejando un sin número de personas con afectación en su salud. Es una enfermedad nueva para cada uno de nosotros, de esta desconocemos sus ligamentos y que tan mortal podría ser si tocara nuestras vidas. Cuando este brote estalló en Wuhan (China) en diciembre de 2019 y comenzó a expandirse alrededor del mundo en diferentes países que son potencia, como China, Rusia, Alemania, Reino unido, Francia, Japón, Israel, Estados Unidos, Corea del sur, arabia saudita. Donde se produjeron un sin número de muertes, haciéndose cada día más fuerte, peligroso acabando con la tranquilidad de todos dejando sumidos en la preocupación y desesperación constante. Cambiando de forma radical nuestras vidas, en todos los ámbitos.
Appears in Collections:Derecho - Barranquilla

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